Podcasting: Digital Storytelling, Hybrid Learning and Assessment Graduate Course for Educators

Brought to you by a partnership between The Hub and the VTSU Center for Schools.

Course Number: EDX 5710 S67

Instructor: Clarena Renfrow, [email protected], 802-770-8474

Location: Casella Room at The Hub CoWorks, 67 Merchants Row Suite 201, Rutland & online

Dates and Times: July 8 – August 4, 2024; 10 am to 2 pm for the 1st week with remaining hours online and a podcasting recording time appointment during the week of July 15th

Credits: 3 credits

Tuition: $1,595

Full details follow:

Course Description

Podcasting is making a big comeback.  We listen to learn; we create to inform or entertain.  We tell stories and there are so many stories to tell.  In this time of hybrid learning, Podcasting is a great way to reach students and to have students demonstrate their content learning and express creativity.  This course will teach you to use podcasting for teaching, learning, and assessment.  Students will also understand how Podcasting fits into the Universal Design for Learning.


Learning Management System: https://www.it.edu20.org

You will be sent an invitation to join the course in the email you provide Vermont State University at Castleton.



Clarena M. Renfrow, M.Ed., 802-770-8478, [email protected]

Clarena M. Renfrow has been a contracted instructor of Educational Technologies at the VTSU Center for Schools for 11 years. She has been a high school teacher for 20 years and has served as a consultant and trainer for area school districts.  She holds an AS in Business, BA in Education, and a M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction.  She has also received certification as a Technology Integration Specialist through courses at the University of Vermont.  In addition, she is a licensed teacher in the following areas:  Business Education, Technology Integration, Online Teaching, and Work Based Learning.  Clarena has received several awards for her contributions in moving educational technologies forward to assist teachers and students:  2019 International Society of Technology in Education Recipient of the Making IT Happen Award, 2017 Goethe Institute STEM Transatlantic Outreach Fellow, and 2012 VITA Learn Project Ignite Teacher Award.


Audience: All Educators

Course Goals:

Podcasting: Digital Storytelling and Remote Teaching is designed to meet the following goals:

  1. To understand the concepts of podcasting (audience, scripts, purpose, etc.)
  2. To understand how to integrate Podcasting into lessons/units so that students learn to Podcast as an alternative means of assessment of learning.
  3. To be able to create podcasts that can be used for hybrid learning
  4. To understand how Podcasting fits into the Universal Design for Learning

ISTE Standards for Educators:

  • Learner:  Educators continually improve their practice by learning from and with others and exploring proven and promising practices that leverage technology to improve student learning.
  • Designer:  Educators design authentic, learner-driven activities and environments that recognize and accommodate learner variability.
  • Facilitator:  Educators facilitate learning with technology to support student achievement of the ISTE Standards for Students.


Required Books (not included in course tuition):
 Book:  Podcast: Learn how to Stop Babbling & Start Podcasting Like a Pro $5.99
 Book:  Podcast Planner: The Little Guided Planner to a Successful Podcast $7.99


Other Readings/Discussion:
1.  Readings

  1. A Studio At Your Fingertips: 5 Apps Teachers Are Using To Make Student Podcasts” by NPR
  2. Vanderbilt’s Center for Teaching,Podcasting Resources
  3. Project Audio: Teaching Students How to Produce Their Own Podcasts, NY Times
  4. Read, Write, Think: http://www.readwritethink.org/professional-development/strategy-guides/teaching-with-podcasts-30109.html

2. UDL Podcasts

  1. https://thinkudl.org/
  2. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/udl-in-15-minutes/id1438517430
  3. Discussion Threads based on Readings (articles and books).  Students will read an article and discuss the main concepts.  Students will make one main post about their reactions to articles and then comment on two other students’ posts.



During the first week of face to face classes, students will be learning the process of podcasting and learning to use different types of podcasting software that can be used with students at different levels.  We will also focus on the how, and the why of using podcasts as educational tools.

In the remaining 3 weeks, students will be required to complete several readings, discussion questions and discussion threads.  They will also do the following and turn in assignments online and at the podcasting studio.

1. Project 1:  Create a podcast episode.  Topics to be approved by instructor.  This project will be done by making an appointment at the Hub Co-Works podcasting studio to do the recording after the following is done.

  • What to Know Before Starting
  • Planning Episodes
  • Script Writing
  • Formatting and Speaking Techniques
  • Recording
  • Editing
  • Posting

Project 2:  Unit Plan & Podcast

a. Create a research-based unit plan that teaches content using podcasting.

i. Podcast must:

      1. use all the steps of podcast creation (planning, scripting, etc.) so that it can be used as a means for hybrid learning
      2. show a good connection to UDL methodologies
      3. be an appropriate length for the age group of your students
      4. teach your content
      5. have formative activities/summative assessment
      6. citations


  1. Attendance:  10%
  2. Readings/Discussion Questions: 15%
  3. Project 1: 30%
  4. Project 2: 45%

Don’t miss out on this amazing class experience with cutting edge equipment!


To enroll in this course, click here.